Sunday 14 June 2009

John O'Groats to Lands End - Day 9 Lunchtime

Got up early and was on the go by 6.30 through a warm clear morning across Larrig Mor to Kinlochleven. Once the stiffness was out of my feet I did some nice running.

Then the long climb down into Kinlochleven where I bought bug spray and chocolate and the longer climb back out onto the mountain pass. And then running some sweet miles as far as the Devil's Staircase where of started to rain half way down.

I got to the Kingshouse after three and have been lunching on cheesecake, ice cream and Irn Bru.

I'm gonna leave soon and head across Rannoch Moor.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Pay and park, Simon speaking. Hope you enjoyed your chicken.
