Sunday 3 May 2009

John O'Groats to Lands End Calorie Binge and Press Release

My mirrored fizzog has been looking back at me in a rather wan and gaunt manner of late. So yesterday I took the day off from running and tried to ingest as many calories as possible while expending the absolute minimum of energy. I need to put on a few spare pounds before setting off from John O'Groats.

A late breakfast of eggs, sausages, bubble, tomatoes and a couple of slices of toast was followed by chocolate chip pudding and ice cream.

And this was the sunny afternoon that Glenn decided to inaugurate his new Weber Grill so lunch was a beefy barbecue excess. With another gooey pudding.

I'm usually strictly an H2O guy but today I invested in a couple of litres of a fizzy orange abomination whose brand name shall get no oxygen of publicity from me. And I guzzled and guzzled and guzzled.

In the evening I spent some time sluggishly working on the press release for Edinburgh while dunking chocolate digestives.

I was invited to a second barbecue sitting but couldn't face it.

This morning I don't feel a gram heavier. Ho hum.

But today I am as excited as I have been for months. I read my own press release with growing wonder. An unexpected email from a friend I haven't seen in ages tells me that she will be performing at the Gilded Balloon in August.

And once again the Edinburgh Festival begins to exert that peculiar artistic gravity which pulls all the spare creative energy of the planet to its heart.

I'm heading out for a ten miler now and when I get back I am going to practice packing the bag I will take with me on the Big Run. I need to check I have everything I need. I'll pitch the tent to make sure all it's poles and pegs are present and intact. I'll take a walk to the pharmacy to stock up on bug spray (midgies) and micropore tape and sun block.

I have to do route planning and trawl the internet for sources of GPS waypoints. I have to work on my press list. Oh yeah, and I must I must I must finish designing the flyer for the show and get it print ready soon soon soon.

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